Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The funniest thing ever

From Canada.com via Babbling Brooks...

Stronach blasts Emerson's defection to Conservatives
"David Emerson is a fine individual. But I look at what Harper did and said when I left the party and I look at what he did to get David to come over and you have to conclude that's a double standard and hypocritical," said Stronach, a former Tory MP who crossed the floor to join the Liberals last year.
That's almost as funny as when Belinda was named the minister responsible for democratic renewal. Oh, the irony.


In somewhat related news, Tony Clement, the new Health Minister, announced in a media scrum today on CTV that he will be taking over Belinda's role as Minister of Complex Files. He did so while referring to the challenges he will be facing in his new post, unwittingly repeating Belinda's famous phrase, It's a complex file.


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