Monday, January 23, 2006

Today, Vote for Change

Just in case you need more proof that Paul Martin is going insane - proof beyond his shrill ramblings about abortion, his defense of indefensible attack ads, beyond his impromptu constitutional tinkering - then check out Paul Martin at a campaign rally yesterday playing air guitar.

Beyond the reasons I cited in my endorsement, the sheer nastiness, incoherence, and dishonesty of the Liberal campaign provide more than enough of a reason to vote for a change in government. The polls are open today. It's up to you. Go cast your vote.


At 4:51 p.m., Blogger Danny said...

I referring specifically to the ad that suggested that Stephen Harper would impose martial law. It was obviously ridiculous and extremely offensive to the military, yet Martin went on TV and defended the ad.

But with respect to the other attack ads from each of the parties... No, they were not pretty. But I would argue that the Liberal ads were the most over the top and the least grounded in reality. For example, and I quote:
Who paid for Stephen Harper's rise to the head of the party? We don't know. He refuses to reveal his donors. What do you suppose he's hiding? We do know he's very popular with right-wingers in the U.S. They have money. Maybe they helped? We just don't know. He just won't say. Choose your Canada.

More than that, the attacks formed the entire basis of the Liberal re-election campaign. The focuses of the Conservative and NDP campaigns were on their platforms. The Liberal campaign focused on trying to glue a pair of horns on Harper's head. To paraphrase, "Progressives should unite around the Liberal Party to stop the big Satan (Harper) from emerging from Hades (Alberta) to conquer Canada and abuse minorities!"


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